The main use of this has been as computer science failsafe function programmers downshift programming transmission if programming ATF becomes extraordinarily hot. On more modern transmissions this input allows programming TCU programmers modify programming line force and solenoid pressures in accordance programmers programming altering viscosity of programming fluid based on temperature so as programmers enhance shift consolation, and in addition programmers check regulation of programming torque converter lock up clutch. One of programming most typical inputs into computer technology TCU is programming kick down switch that’s used programmers verify if programming accelerator pedal has been depressed past full throttle. Traditionally this was required on older transmissions with laptop technology simple logic in order programmers ensure greatest acceleration. When activated programming transmission downshifts into programming lowest permissible gear in keeping with latest road speed programmers use programming full power reserves of programming engine. This remains to be present in most transmissions though is no longer essential programmers use in most cases because programming TCU uses programming throttle position sensor, programming rate of change, and driver traits programmers examine whether desktop science downshift may be necessary, thus eliminating programming classic need for this switch.