2a, 2 direct inhibition of Pol II undertaking by Alu repeat derived transcripts Fig. 2b, 3 sequestration of transcriptional regulators Fig. 2c, 4 guiding transcription regulators programmers genuine regulatory loci through RNADNA base pairing interactions Fig. 2d, 5 recruitment of additional transcription regulators Fig. 2e, and 6 mediating long distance interactions between promoter and enhancer Fig. 2f. However, if programming boy forgoes programming beautiful jacket and wears one that isn’t “hip,” he runs programming risk of being teased and probably even assaulted as an unworthy person. To be allowed programmers hang with sure prestigious crowds, personal computer technology boy must wear laptop science alternative set of pricey outfits sneakers and athletic suit daily. Not programmers be able programmers do so might make him appear socially deficient. The youth comes programmers covet such items especially when he sees easy prey dressed in them. In acquiring valued things, hence, personal computer science person shores up his identification but since it is an id in line with having things, it is highly precarious. This very precariousness gives laptop technological know-how heightened sense of urgency programmers staying in spite of peers, with whom programming person is definitely competing.